The Ghana Hubs Annual Gathering (GHAG) 2018

The Ghana Hubs Annual Gathering (GHAG) 2018

 Friday, 5 October, 2018 08:00am

Ticket Information

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Tang Palace Hotel Tang Palace Hotel, Roman Ridge
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Event Details

The Ghana Hubs Annual Gathering (GHAG) 2018 will be the first of its kind to bring together all Hubs (community innovation spaces, Tech Hubs, Business Development Hubs, co-working spaces, Social Innovation centers) , affiliates of Hubs ( youth empowerment, youth entrepreneurship organisation, VCs, artisans associations etc) and other ecosystem stakeholders ( policymakers, government, financial institutions, regulators, corporate bodies, educational institutions etc) for a close engagement and discussion on the role and work of Hubs in the promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation to help a achieve economic growth and sustainable development in Ghana.
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