Congratulations for wanting to start a sustainable wardrobe. The first thing you need to know is that it will take some time before you have a wardrobe that is 100% sustainable. But don’t be discouraged. You have taken already a good step. The following tips will help you to achieve a sustainable wardrobe:
Start by unsubscribing from all the newsletters from fast fashion brands. They make it really good to make you feel that you need to buy the newest trends.
Do a closet detox. Organize your closet by taking every single item out and place them on your bed or the floor. Take one by one the items back in the closet. Before you do it, ask yourself the following questions about each item:
Does it still fit?
Have I worn it in the last 12 months?
Would I wear it again?
Do I love the way it looks on me?
If the answer to these questions is yes, then put the items back to your closet, if the answer is no, put them aside and start making two piles: To donate: If the clothes are too worn out or need to be fixed. To sell: If the clothes are still in a good state to give it a second round.
A Closet detox will help you to clearly see what are the clothes that you have and like to wear. Make sure you keep only clothes that you actually wear.
The next time that you need to buy something new, try first to go to a second-hand shop. Or to a vintage shop. When buying something new ask yourself questions before buying it like, ‘How often will I wear this?’
If you can’t find what you are looking for in a second-hand shop, check if you can find it from a sustainable brand. (See my sustainable brand directory)
Buy clothes that will last, and avoid any piece that looks like it’s going to pill or brake after a few washes. Check the stitching and material for quality issues.
Take better care of your clothes. The way you treat your clothes has a bigger effect on the environment than their production. Wash your clothes if it’s really necessary. Taking better care of your clothes increases their lifespan.
Let your clothes dry naturally. The drying machine wastes a lot of energy and money.
Make your clothes live longer. When your favorite piece break, get it to the tailor and ask if the piece can be fixed. Many textiles can be recycled or reused, and clothing in good condition should be donated or go to someone @Dev Textiles #Dev #Ethical #Sustainable #Fashion #Textiles #Craft #ESFRA
m Za’atari BY HELEN STOREY 3 DAYS AGO Professor Helen Storey – Centre for Sustainable Fashion at London College of Fashion, UAL Today the UNHCR marks ‘World Refugee Day’ – a moment to reflect and pause, and consider the role that we all have to play in this crisis. Just as pressure is beginning to build on governments to declare a climate emergency, we also have to consider the consequences for the mass displacement of people, and how climate change will accelerate this process. It was exactly for these reasons that I created Dress for our Time, a project which started out as a piece of fashion activism and an installation to highlight these issues. As an artist and designer I have spent the last 20 years exploring the ways fashion can facilitate social change – and never has change been so urgently needed by so many people. Back in 2015, after discussions with the UNHCR, I was gifted a decommissioned refugee tent which I made into a dress. In giving the tent a meaningful re...
The Role of Fashion in implemetation of Goal14 As Novice in social media advocate my outmost aim is to learn, Educate and propagate the populace to be able to get the understanding of SDGs as a community base leader and advocate. People must know the dangerous and harmful impact that we contribute to the infiltration of microfiber plastic into the seas, Oceans and rivers. I hope with the support of UN Ocean Conference I hope to recieved resources that will help me to understant the aims and goals with the best practices that will help metigate pollution of the oceans. Progress reports Achievements at a glance The Role Of environmental and social implications of fashion production and disposal, make it of high relevance to integrate the targets of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals into this industry, to make it fully sustainable and positive for people and the ecosystem. The aim of the commitment, is to integrate the UN SDGs in this industry, to tackle the environmental and social is...
Zara Owners Inditex aiming to achieve zero waste to landfills by 2020 Zara is gradually incorporating in its stores new bags made from 100% recycled and reusable paper, which have have FSC sustainability certification. These new bags, that will be present at the stores all along the year, reduce the use of ink by more than 70% and saves more than 30% on water consumption during production. As part of their Green to Pack project, whose primary objective is to optimise the packaging used throughout the supply chain and reduce waste of any kind as much as possible, the gift envelopes will also be replaced, the design matching the new bags and online order boxes. They are also innovating so all plastics they do need in any of their activities are designed to be safely reused, recycled, or composted; and circulate everything we use to keep it in the economy and out of the environment, as addresed in the New Plastics Economy Globa...