m Za’atari BY HELEN STOREY 3 DAYS AGO Professor Helen Storey – Centre for Sustainable Fashion at London College of Fashion, UAL Today the UNHCR marks ‘World Refugee Day’ – a moment to reflect and pause, and consider the role that we all have to play in this crisis. Just as pressure is beginning to build on governments to declare a climate emergency, we also have to consider the consequences for the mass displacement of people, and how climate change will accelerate this process. It was exactly for these reasons that I created Dress for our Time, a project which started out as a piece of fashion activism and an installation to highlight these issues. As an artist and designer I have spent the last 20 years exploring the ways fashion can facilitate social change – and never has change been so urgently needed by so many people. Back in 2015, after discussions with the UNHCR, I was gifted a decommissioned refugee tent which I made into a dress. In giving the tent a meaningful re...