How to stay involved post-Fashion Revolution Week

Fashion Revolution Week 2019 has come to a close and we are beyond grateful to our country volunteers, student ambassadors, and everyone who participated in our campaign this year, from posting a #WhoMadeMyClothes to putting on an event.
During this monumental week, we welcomed so many newcomers into our community, growing our network and spreading our message. So, whether you’re brand new to Fashion Revolution, or you’ve been with us from the start, we’ve put together a handy list for how you can continue to be involved now that our big week is over! There are so many ways that each of us can have an impact on the fashion industry every single day, so let’s not just celebrate a Fashion Revolution week, but a Fashion Revolution life.

One: Register for our online course.

Today, we launched our new free online course registration for anyone wishing to learn more about the fashion industry’s impact on people and planet, what the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals are, and how they are intrinsically linked.
The 4-week online course is completely free and run entirely online — so anyone, anywhere can participate. The course begins on Monday, June 10th – but registration starts now – so sign up here and watch the course trailer on the Fashion Revolution YouTube Channel

Two: Sign the Manifesto.

The Fashion Revolution Manifesto is our 10-point vision for a fashion industry that lifts people up and protects the planet. This is our solution-oriented dream for an industry that we love, but that we want to do better. 
So far, nearly 8,000 people have added their name to our Manifesto, proclaiming that they support this vision and will stand up for a fashion industry that delivers on transparency, worker wellbeing, diversity, gender equality, environmental responsibility, and respect for artisans. Click here to read & sign our Manifesto, and we’d love it if you shared it with the world. 

Three: Keep asking #WhoMadeMyClothes. 

This past week, tens of thousands of people asked their favourite brands and retailers, #WhoMadeMyClothes, and we got some important answers from big brands and small artisans alike. Yet, there were many brands that ignored our requests for transparency, or supplied answers that didn’t stretch further than sharing their corporate social responsibility policies. 
How can we push those silent brands to respond in a meaningful way? The answer is in our continued asking. Our power is in persistence, so let’s keep asking, “who made my clothes?”. 
And, if you do get an interesting response, tag us at @fash_rev so we can join the conversation. 

Four: Read the Fashion Transparency Index. 

On April 24th, we published our fourth annual Fashion Transparency Index. This research is our biggest yet, with 200 of the biggest global fashion brands under the lense of our policy team. Findings from this year show that among the 98 brands reviewed since 2017, scores increased by an average of 9%. This gives us clear evidence that being included in the index is a major driver for these big brands to improve on their transparency, because they know that consumers are paying attention. 
This year’s index also highlighted key spotlight issues that plague the fashion industry, including brands’ action on gender equality in the supply chain and living wages. If you want to learn more about how the biggest brands measure up, read the index now

Five: Get the fanzine. 

Just before Fashion Revolution Week, we published our 4th issue of our fanzine: FASHION CRAFT REVOLUTION. This 104-page print edition is a celebration of hand crafts and artisanship. With stories of craft practices from the world over, the zine includes perspectives from Slow Factory’s Celine Semaan, The Craftivist Collective’s Sarah Corbett, Ethical Fashion Initiative’s Simone Cipriani and many more. In the introduction, Carry Somers writes, “The fashion industry has spent more than thirty years obsessed with speed, volume and identical flawless production, whilst slow, ancient crafts with their individual variations are increasingly undervalued”. We hope that this zine is our contribution to lifting up the value of crafts and their important place in fashion. 
Get your copy of issue 4 here, and help support all the work that we do at Fashion Revolution through your purchase. 

Six: Donate. 

During Fashion Revolution Week, we are swarmed with beautiful conversations that often begin with, “How can I help / support / get involved with Fashion Revolution?”. 
The answer: by making a small donation, you will be making a big difference to Fashion Revolution’s important work demanding a cleaner, safer, fairer, and more transparent fashion industry.
As a charitable organisation, every single thing that we do is made possible by support from charitable grants and donations from people like you. Click here to donate, and learn about where you money goes. 

We would like to extend a huge thank you to all who made last week a success! Here's how to keep up the momentum...


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