Meet the Innovator, the Kumerica Teacher at Kumasi Technical Institute that makes Nose Mask with Filter called G20FaceMask
Meet the Innovator, the Kumerican Teacher at Kumasi Technical Institute that makes Nose Mask with Filter
by Gabidezin
This is Gilbert Aboagye Boye the founder of Gabidezin House Of Fashion-Boadi. Experienced Fashion Designer with a demonstrated history of working in the apparel and fashion industry. Gabidezin House Of Fashion-Boadi is supporting the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) call to the United Nations to create an International Year of Participation towards the achievement of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development and its framework of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in building more inclusive and engaging societies.
Gabidezin House Of Fashion-Boadi supports the call to help build awareness and focus attention on other aspects of an enabling environment, build capacity for engagement, and help support the achievement of the SDGs.Gabidezin House Of Fashion-Boadi will be included as a supporting organisation in the IAP2 proposal to the United Nations calling for An International Year of Participation.
Skilled in Millinery, Job Coaching, Industrial Sewing, Sewing, and Arts & Crafts. Strong arts and design professional with a Bachelor of Science Fashion and Textiles Design Education focused in Fashion/Apparel Design from University of Education Winneba-Kumasi.
Gilbert Aboagye Boye
Best Regards
Mr. Aboagye Boye Gilbert
Global Goodwill Ambassador Ghana-Kumasi