Meet the Innovator, the Kumerica Teacher at Kumasi Technical Institute that makes Nose Mask with Filter called G20FaceMask


Meet the Innovator, the Kumerican Teacher at Kumasi Technical Institute  that makes Nose Mask with Filter

 by Gabidezin

This is Gilbert Aboagye Boye the founder of Gabidezin House Of Fashion-Boadi. Experienced Fashion Designer with a demonstrated history of working in the apparel and fashion industry. Gabidezin House Of Fashion-Boadi is supporting the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) call to the United Nations to create an International Year of Participation towards the achievement of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development and its framework of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in building more inclusive and engaging societies.

Gabidezin House Of Fashion-Boadi supports the call to help build awareness and focus attention on other aspects of an enabling environment, build capacity for engagement, and help support the achievement of the SDGs.Gabidezin House Of Fashion-Boadi will be included as a supporting organisation in the IAP2 proposal to the United Nations calling for An International Year of Participation.

Skilled in Millinery, Job Coaching, Industrial Sewing, Sewing, and Arts & Crafts. Strong arts and design professional with a Bachelor of Science Fashion and Textiles Design Education focused in Fashion/Apparel Design from University of Education Winneba-Kumasi.




As a Fashion Designer, a Teacher in Technical Education and Global Citizen who likes to explore with different materials. I tried Usings plastic spoons and bottle top to brighten up your circle to reduced environmental pollution to sustain the oceans, seas and used it as a decorational purpose.Mask created during the Maskbook COVID-19 campaign conducted in 2020.

My solution to the environmental crisis
As a sustainable fashion designer, the smallest impact I can do for my community is to help reduced plastic waste from washing into the seas and oceans. I create reusable, washable and recycle masks by using the Sustainable development goals proposed by the UN. It allows to mitigate poverty and protect cleanseas and the environment. 

My method of creating the Mask hand made a little sewing created in 
05/2020 with plastic bottle Tops as valve with EasyCare absorbent as a filter for filtering  Disposable Gems, Dust, Gas Emissions and also helps  in fighting Covid19. When you wear G20FaceMask  made with reused plastics you are helping saving the environment and climate from eating up pollutants from plastics like methane and fossil fuels 

This portrait was taken by Gilbert Aboagye Boye who graciously assign its rights to the Maskbook project.
By creating my mask, I stand with Maskbook, international art-action project committed to the environment. I declare that climate change and air pollution are a danger to my health and to the health of our planet. I ask that all efforts be made to reduce these threats. I commit to act for the environment in my everyday life.

Gilbert Aboagye Boye


Best Regards
Mr. Aboagye Boye GilbertπŸ™πŸ»πŸŒ»
Global Goodwill Ambassador Ghana-Kumasi


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