The Role of Fashion in implemetation of Goal14

The Role of Fashion in implemetation of Goal14

As Novice in social media advocate my outmost aim is to learn, Educate and propagate the populace to be able to get the understanding of SDGs as a community base leader and advocate. People must know the dangerous and harmful impact that we contribute to the infiltration of microfiber plastic into the seas, Oceans and rivers. I hope with the support of UN Ocean Conference I hope to recieved resources that will help me to understant the aims and goals with the best practices that will help metigate pollution of the oceans.
Progress reports
Achievements at a glance

The Role Of environmental and social implications of fashion production and disposal, make it of high relevance to integrate the targets of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals into this industry, to make it fully sustainable and positive for people and the ecosystem. The aim of the commitment, is to integrate the UN SDGs in this industry, to tackle the environmental and social issues related to clothing production and consumption: Implementation of sustainable design strategies, promoting the use of sustainable technologies and appropriate resource management throughout the textile supply chain, proposing new business models and engaging with consumers for better consumption habits.

Challenges faced in implementation (if any)

Keep accelerating the integration of the SDGs in the global fashion industry. Reach more fashion students through a Peer-to-Peerbapproach, where educators are the replicators of this knowledge. This will help build their economic empowerment, so they can be self dilufficient in life

Who are the beneficaries?

We had in-person engagement with consumers and fashion professionals, as well as a successful online campaign for consumers. To brief them on the impact of fashion on the environmental and ocean as micro fiber plastics are realeased irvwashed into the ocean by wasting

What specific actions have been taken to positively impact beneficaries?

Knowledge of the SDGs and their relation to the fashion industry.bConnection to their daily professional activities to initiate change in product development. Consumer awareness and understanding better consumption decisions for clothing and textiles that can prevent the environment to be polluted.

By Gabidezin


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